

In my last post, we saw how flexible and powerful the Cubieboard can be, with the correct knowledge of the pin multiplexing and choosing the pin functionality for your application. Given that you have 7 UART ports, and around 3 SPI ports at your disposal, you can only imagine the power that this gives you.

The company that produces the SoC on which the Cubieboard is based on, AllWinner, primarily wanted to develop this chip as a cheap alternative to Android enabled device manufacturers, such as phones, tablets and what not! And hence, the chipset and subsequently the development boards, are powerful, flexible and have ports designed for external device interfacing, including 2 camera interfaces. (However, only one can be active at one time, like front cam and back cam) But, what it makes for in these interfaces, it lacks in the number of ADC’s (Only one, for accelerometer. People argue that it has the ADC’s for the LCD screen, but involves hacking the driver files, interesting project if someone is willing me to pay for it) and PWM channels. Basically, you cannot collect data or move motors by just using the Cubieboard.

So, if you are planning to use the Cubieboard in your Embedded Design Project, you will sooner or later have the need to communicate with a daughter board, either for getting a bunch of sensor data, or performing some actuation. This post comes as a result of a similar need I had, where I had to trigger a bunch of OpenCV codes which depended on certain sensor values.

Since I could not interface my sensors on the Cubieboard, I decided to use an Arduino for measuring the sensor data and communicate the processed values to the Cubieboard via UART.

The Cubieboard has 8 UART ports in all, including the 4-pin TTL port. However, this 4 pin TTL by default is used in the following ways:

  1. Console Messages (including bootup messages)
  2. A getty so you can login via serial

So, I would suggest that you avoid using the TTL pins, since you would need to edit the boot and initab files in order to use them. Plus, this port comes in very handy for debugging purposes. So instead, we will configure the other GPIO pins for UART.

On the Arduino side, instead of connected pins 0 and 1 (The default UART pins) , I decided to use the SoftSerial library instead. Why? Because I wanted to hook up my Arduino to my PC via USB, whilst it communicates with the Cubieboard, for debugging purposes.

Now I will show the codes on the Arduino and the Cubieboard side respectively, after which you can safely wire up the proper pins on both sides and communicate seamlessly.

Arduino side:

As mentioned before, I won’t be using the default serial pins for interfacing and instead use the SoftSerial library to configure pins 2 and 3 instead. However, the SoftSerial library does not support baudrates above 9600. We will see how that is actually a good thing for us later. Following code snippet sends a character to both serial ports if the ADC value is above a threshold, and prints whatever value it gets from CubieBoard to the PC:


 Connects Arduino to Cubieboard
 Arduino: SoftSerial
 Raspberry Pi: GPIO UART

 Based on Arduino SoftSerial example


SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // RX, TX
int pressure;
int THRESHOLD = 500;

void setup()
 // Open serial communications to PC and wait for port to open:

  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port to Cubieboard

  // Set A1 as input sensor

void loop() // run over and over
  // Measure the sensor value
  pressure = analogRead(A1);

  // If pressure crosses the threshold, send character to both ports
  if(pressure>THRESHOLD) {

  // If data is available on Cubieboard, print it to PC
  if (mySerial.available())

Cubieboard side:

First order of business would be to configure a UART port  of our choice on the Cubieboard. For this case, UART5 is an optimal choice, it has only the Rx and Tx ports, just like the Arduino side, thus not wasting any GPIOs unnecessarily.

Now we make changes in the fex file like mentioned in my previous post and note down the pins:

uart_used = 1
uart_port = 5
uart_type = 2
uart_tx = port:PH06
uart_rx = port:PH07

The pins are : Tx (Port H, pin 6) and Rx (Porn H, pin 7)

Make sure to compile the fex file to an appropriate bin file, otherwise the changes will not be seen.

Just to check all the UART ports that you have, you can just list by the following command:

ls /dev/tty*


dmesg|grep tty 

Now for the communication part, hackers tend to use Python due to the ease with which you can perform serial communication, thanks to the PySerial library. But in my case, since I had to trigger some OpenCV based codes, I decided to go the C++ way, since I could just include a header file in the main file and save a lot of unwanted mess.

Serial Initialization function

Although you can just open the Serial Port on any linux box as a file, you need to define some flow control and flag options for the desired communication terminal since this is an asynchronous communication and follows a proper handshaking protocol(If you need more clarification on this, please mention on the comments). So we will need some standard libraries for this purpose, you can add them like this:

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

Now we initialize the serial port terminal options :

/*Init function, takes serialport address and baudrate as input */
int serialport_init(const char* serialport, int baud)
struct termios toptions;     //from the termios lib
int fd;                      //file descriptor

Next step would be to open the port with the proper flags and initialize the input and output data speed equal to the input baudrate:

//Open the port as a file
//O_RDWR = Open as read and write
//O_NOCTTY = TTY file not to be used for control purposes
fd = open(serialport, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY)
//set the baudrate
speed_t brate = baud
//setting the input and output speed
cfsetispeed(&toptions, brate);
cfsetospeed(&toptions, brate);

Now that the serial port has been initialized with the correct options, you can just read it as a file and accordingly write the functions for them. For the complete code with the read and write functions, please refer to this link.

Now you can include this library in your main file and initialize the port like this:

 serialport_init("/dev/ttyS5", 9600); 

Final Connections:

Now that we have configured the UART pins and written the appropriate code on both ends, time to hook them up. Following are the pin outs:

Cubieboard Arduino
Rx – Port H, pin 7 Rx – pin 2
Tx – Port H, pin 6 Tx – Pin 3

The possibilities from here are endless, you can send commands from the Board to the Arduino and use them to control motors or actuators. In case you need further clarifications on any of these, feel free to drop a comment here!

NOTE: I mentioned before that the 9600 baudrate on the Arduino is actually a blessing in disguise for us, that is because Arduino supports only 2 pin UART, which is actually not at all ideal for a full duplex communication. Imagine this scenario, the Arduino sends some data and triggers a code on the Cubieboard, now any data that the Arduino sends while the Cubieboard is still executing the code will be lost because of the lack of proper data control pins. A quick fix around this would be to run a thread which accumulates the sensor data in a buffer on the board, or to time your code properly so that it finishes executing before the next data comes in

Happy Tinkering!

In the previous post I had mentioned how you can customize the way you use the Cubieboard’s pins by changing the script.bin file. This post will be expand on that thought further.

Fex files, bin files and sunxi-tools

Every chipset has a human-readble file which sort of acts like a metadata file for the I/O pins of the board, this file is called the fex file.  It is of no use to the chip itself. It needs to be parsed and converted into an equivalent binary file, named script.bin, like the one we saw in the previous post while installing our OS on the board.

Thankfully the tools for converting fex to binary and vice versa for the A10 boards already exist. You will need to get the source files for the same and compile them in order to use them. Run the following command to get the source files:

home@user:~$ git clone git:// 

This should clone a copy of the sunxi-tools repository in your folder. The tools provided here are exclusively for AllWinner A10 based boards. They won’t work for generic devices. Now that we have the source files, we can proceed to build the tools:

home@user:~$ cd sunxi-tools
home@user:~$ make fex2bin
home@user:~$ make bin2fex 

This will spit out two executables, fex2bin and bin2fex. These executables do exactly what they are named. Next step would be to transfer both these executables to the folder where you want to keep your script.bin files.

home@user:~$ cp /path/to/sunxi-tools/fex2bin /path/to/script/files

Now we use our existent script file, the one we downloaded from the git repo here, and get it’s equivalent fex file like this:

home@user:~$ ./bin2fex script.bin cubieboard.fex 

If it executes (and it should) successfully, it shows the following lines in the terminal:

fexc-bin: script.bin: version: 0.1.2
fexc-bin: script.bin: size: 44104 (79 sections) 

Now use your favourite text editor to open the cubieboard.fex file. You will see a lot of things that may seem gibberish at present.

Each line consists of a key = value pair combination under a [sectionheader]. All three [sectionheader], key and value are case-sensitive. For comments a semi-colon (;) is used and everything following a semi-colon is ignored.

Configuring the GPIO pins in the fex file

Now since we intend to use some of the GPIO’s here, go to the [gpio-para] section header. You should see the following under this section header :

gpio_used = 1
gpio_num = 4
gpio_pin_1 = port:PG00<1><default><default><default>
gpio_pin_2 = port:PB19<1><default><default><default>
gpio_pin_3 = port:PG02<0><default><default><default>
gpio_pin_4 = port:PG04<0><default><default><default>

The first line has the parameter gpio_used which is initialized to 1. This parameter basically denotes if the functionality described by the section header is enabled(1) or disabled(0). Thus in this case, it seems like the GPIO functionality is enabled for 4 pins (gpio_num). The properties of each pin are given in the subsequent lines.

Description of the GPIO configuration in the form:

port:<port><mux feature><pullup/down><drive capability><output level>


<port> is the port to configure (ie. PH15)
<mux feature> is the function to configure the port for, mux 0 is as input, mux 1 as output and for 2-7 see A10/PIO for details.
<pullup/down> is 0 = disabled; 1 = pullup enabled; 2 = pulldown enabled (only valid when port is an input)
<drive capability> defines the output drive in mA, values are 0-3 corresponding to 10mA, 20mA, 30mA and 40mA.
<output level> sets the initial output level for the port; 0 = low; 1 = high (only valid for outputs)

The <pullup/down> <drive capability> and <output level> can be set to <default> which means don’t change. Any trailing <default> options can be omitted.

You can refer to the following image to see the I/O pins on the Cubieboard:

Cubieboard GPIO

Cubieboard GPIO

Configuring the UART ports

The Cubieboard supports a total of 8 UART ports, apart from the TTL connection provided. To configure them, you can check under the [uart_para$] section header, where the $ stands for a number from 0-7. These are the configuration parameters for UART1 (ttyS1):

uart_used = 0
uart_port = 1
uart_type = 8
uart_tx = port:PA10<4><1><default><default>
uart_rx = port:PA11<4><1><default><default>
uart_rts = port:PA12<4><1><default><default>
uart_cts = port:PA13<4><1><default><default>
uart_dtr = port:PA14<4><1><default><default>
uart_dsr = port:PA15<4><1><default><default>
uart_dcd = port:PA16<4><1><default><default>
uart_ring = port:PA17<4><1><default><default>

Since the uart_used parameter here is initialized to zero, this particular UART (ttyS1) is disabled and cannot be used. To enable it, you need to set it’s value to 1 just like we discussed for gpio_used in the previous section. This particular UART allows for the full 8 pin connection (uart_type = pin connections allowed). In case you are not familiar with it, these are the functions of each of the pin:

TX Transmit Data
RX Receive Data
RTS Request To Send
CTS Clear To Send
DSR Data Set Ready
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DCD Data Carrier Detect
RING Ring Indicator (Modem ring)

To interface this UART, you will just have to connect wires from the pins mentioned in the section header above to the appropriate pins on the slave device.

Generating the modified script file

Once we are done making all the modifications and customization we want, we need to generate the chip-readable script.bin file. To do that, we shall use the second executable that was taken from sunxi-tools earlier, the fex2bin.

home@user:~$ ./fex2bin cubieboard.fex script.bin

Succesful execution of this command will generate the new script.bin file which you can now transfer to the appropriate folder of your bootable SD card. On booting up your Cubieboard again, you will be able to use the modified pins just as you configured them in the fex file. To use your newly configured GPIO and UART pins, read ahead!

GPIO: After booting up the Cubieboard, do the following to use the GPIOs:

cubie@board:~$ echo 2 >  /sys/class/gpio/export
cubie@board:~$ ls /sys/class/gpio
export  gpio2_pb19  gpiochip1  unexport

Thus activating the second pin in your GPIO config (PB19) by generating a special file by the name gpio2_pb19. Similarly echoing 1,3 or 4 will activate the appropriate pins.  You can then write/read values from these files thus fulfilling the I/O function.

UART : For UARTs, you need to make the proper connections and then use some serial program like minicom. Or you can write your own code in Python or C to do it. In my next post, I will be writing a C program to perform a UART communication with an Arduino board, this will enable your Cubieboard to make more complicated tasks.

A few weeks back, I had the chance of working with this new family of ARM based System on Chip (SoC) chipset from this company called Allwinner Technologies. My work involved designing a system around the A10 family of chipset. So to get myself acquainted with it and creating a first prototype, I decided to play around with the development boards based on it.

Hackberry and CubieBoard are the two most famous development boards based on the Allwinner A10 chipset. And from its specifications, I can assure you, they are far more powerful and customizable than Raspberry Pi and BeagleBoards. If you want an in detailed comparison between CubieBoard and Raspberry Pi, you can have a look at Alexandre’s blog.

As Alexandre has pointed out rightly in his blog, the CubieBoard community is very young and the support is as good as zero. Hence this post is going to be an in-detail procedure on how to install a customizable version of a headless Debian on the CubieBoard. And maybe later, I might have some posts on how to interface with daughter controllers or something like using the board to set up a dedicated server.

The CubieBoard comes with a stock Android ICS on its NAND flash memory. However, there is a provision to boot from SD card. Hence we create a boot-able SD card for using the OS of our choice. This involves four steps:

  1. Partitioning the SD card (Preferred SD card size = 4GB)
  2. Installing the bootloader
  3. Installing the kernel files and the script.bin
  4. Installing a proper root file-system

A lot of out-of-the-box images for SD cards exist, but if you use them, you won’t be able to customize the GPIOs for your specific purpose. Hence we will manually do each step and look at the flexibilities it provides. To keep the post simple and short, I won’t be discussing how to build the tool-chains and kernel images in this post and use the kernel images I created myself instead. I will have separate posts for building the kernel images and the pin binaries.

The first and foremost requirement is to have Linux on your host machine (Laptop/Desktop).  I am not sure about Mac systems, but I am guessing that should be fine as well. But Windows is a strict no-no.

Partitioning the SD card:

The first MB of the SD card contains the partition table along with the bootloader binaries for booting. The next partition contains the kernel Images and the boot.scr files. The biggest partition contains the rootfs which takes around more than 2GB space. Thus it is best to use a 4GB SD card.

Now assuming that you have installed the sfdisk tools and your card is connected to the host machine, we begin with checking the partition table and the physical characteristics of the SD card, such as bytes per sector. Here we assume that the card is named sdd in the /dev/ folder. To know the name of your SDcard, run the command

home@user:~$ sudo ls -la /dev/sd*

This will list all the disk type devices connected to your machine and you can read the name from there. After running

home@user:~$ fdisk -l

this is the typical 4GB SD card partition that you should see:

Disk /dev/sdd: 3965 MB, 3965190144 bytes
122 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1023 cylinders, total 7744512 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xb4e92fdc

Device Boot    Start      End      Blocks      Id      System
/dev/sdd1      2048      34815     16384       83      Linux
/dev/sdd2     34816    7744511   3854848       83      Linux

Notice how sdd1 starts at 2048 sector. As the byte per sectors is 512, 2048 sector means that the partition sdd1 starts at 1MB. Usually the first  1MB space in a memory device is reserved for the Master Boot Record (MBR), the partition table and in case the memory device is bootable, the Initial Program Loader (IPL) and the Secondary Program Loader (SPL), also known as the bootloader binaries. Resetting the first 1MB of the SDcard ‘formats’ it.  to do that you need to run the following command:

home@user:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=1M count=1

This writes zeroes for the byte size (bs) of 1MB, starting from the first sector itself. Thus rewriting over the entire column and subsequently formatting the entire card. If you run

home@user:~$ fdisk -l

now, it will show no partition table exists. Now we will use the sfdisk tools to make our partitions.

Most SD cards have similar properties as the one shown above, i.e bytes per sector is usually 512. Using this information, we calculate the number of sectors for our partitions and start from sector 1MB (Since the first MB is preserved for the above mentioned reasons). The following commands create a 64MB fat partitions and the rest is used as an ext4 partition.

home@user:~$ sfdisk -uS /dev/sdd
2048,131072,c #Here it tells you to define sdd1
131073,,L #Here it tells you to define sdd2. Being the last partition,
just press enter twice to exit 

Now we format these partition appropriately by running the following commands:

home@user:~$ mkfs.vfat /dev/sdd1
home@user:~$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd2
home@user:~$ sync

Installing the kernel image and filesystem on the card:

Now that we have the card partitioned according to our needs, its time to set up the card by putting the appropriate files in their respective partitions. I have prepared three versions of kernel files and the bootloaders for the CubieBoard board. You can get these files from here.

A brief explanation of the files in this repository:

  1. Bootloader : This directory contains the bootloader files for the CubieBoard
  2. kernel_sunxi_3_* : These directories are the different kernel versions
    1. lib : This directory contains the firmware for that specific kernel version
    2. uImage : The actual kernel image file
    3. script.bin : The files that specifies the functionality of each pin.

So the flexibility provided here is that you can make your own script files and hence specify every pin’s function. Furthermore, you can write your own patches for the kernel and make custom images depending on what you desire. How to do generate custom files for these will be shown in later posts.

We should now have 2 partitions. One 64M in vfat format, and another in ext4. We also need to make this bootable, so lets blat in the IPL and SPL to the SD at the appropriate places. These files are in the directory named “bootloader” in the link given above.

Write spl ->8k and then write uBoot ->32k on the SD card.

home@user:~$ dd if=sunxi-spl.bin of=/dev/sdd bs=1024 seek=8
home@user:~$ dd if=u-boot.bin of=/dev/sdd bs=1024 seek=32

Now create a folder on your linux machine and mount both the partitions there. Do the following assuming that you are the superuser (sudo su):

home@user:~$ mkdir /mnt
home@user:~$ mkdir /mnt/boot
home@user:~$ mkdir /mnt/rootfs
home@user:~$ mount -t auto /dev/sdd1 /mnt/boot
home@user:~$ mount -t auto /dev/sdd /mnt/rootfs
home@user:~$ cd /mnt/boot

Now, create a file in the /mnt/boot directory named boot.cmd and write the
following in it:

setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 noinitrd init=/init root=/dev/sdd2
rootfstype=ext4 rootwait panic=10 ${extra}
fatload mmc 0 0x43000000 script.bin
fatload mmc 0 0x48000000 kernel.img
bootm 0x48000000

The first line calls the kernel, and passes parameters onto it. You’ll note that I setup 2 consoles, one on tty0 and another on ttyS0. I like to have both a serial and a display console on kernel bootup. Now we need to compile it, to do that, run the following:

mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr

Next step is to copy the kernel image and the script file. Assuming you are in the folder kernel_sunxi_3-*-* (Depending on your choice of kernel version)

home@user:~$ cp uImage /mnt/boot
home@user:~$ cp script.bin /mnt/boot

Now we have all the pre boot binaries, bootloaders, kernel image and the script.bin files all loaded on to the SD card. Now we come to the last part, uploading the file system. I prefer the newest version of the Debain filesystem as it more flexible and light in nature. Now you need to download the tar file of the filesystem and unpack it at the place where your second partition is mounted
(i.e /mnt/rootfs).

home@user:~$ cd /tmp
home@user:~$ axel
home@user:~$ cd /mnt/rootfs
home@user:~$ unp /tmp/debian-unstable-armhf.tar.bz2

This will unpack the Debain filesystem on the second partition. After this, you need to copy the compiled drivers, firmware etc to the appropriate place in the rootfs. This is an absolutely necessary step as any changes in the driver files wont take effects if they are not copied to the appropriate places in the file system. Here is an example snippet of this (Assuming again that the user is in the kernel_sunxi_3-*-*):

home@user:~$ mkdir -p /rootfs/lib/modules
home@user:~$ rm -rf /rootfs/lib/modules/
home@user:~$ cp -r lib /rootfs/

Now just unmount the the SD card:

home@user:~$ umount /mnt/boot
home@user:~$ umount /mnt/rootfs

In case it says, it is busy, open a new instance of the terminal and run. It will surely work. After this, just boot up your cubieboard with this SD card. Use GNU screen command to see the boot sequence (Use this link for reference of TTL-USB Connections and using GNU screen)

If the boot is successful, it will ask you for login and password. They are root and password respectively.

Update: Just FYI, the filesystem you install here gives you direct root access. If you are an advanced linux user, you can maybe add your own profiles for safety!